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Charmaine Jones: Gospo Collective – Real Love

Interview with Charmaine Jones from Gospo Collective by Markus Hamence

Adelaide’s choral supergroup, Gospo Collective, are a huge deal. Fact. They have not only dominated South Australia with their uniquely branded performance style but have also captured the hearts and attention of the entire span of Australia. Gospo go from strength to strength with each show they produce and present to their clamouring, adoring and loyal audience. I remember my first experience with them, Jackson vs Jackson, which was a stunning production of Michael & Janet Jackson mega hits performed in a power-house choir spectacular, indeed it was a visual and audible feast. I was hooked. Since then I am an adovacted fan and have seen many and indeed ALL of their shows since. Super Proup, yes they are – Super Fan, yes I am. Led by the dynamic and vocally blessed Charmaine Jones, ‘Gospo’ is a group that spread positive vibes through the joy of song. Charmaine herself has outstanding notches in her belt, having performed with Marcia Hines, Rhonda Burchmore and pop’s cheeky boy Robbie Williams. She is a seeker and nurturer of new talent and with her feel good vibes, ‘Be Kind’ attitude it’s hard not to be swept away into a happy space in her presence. With her smile that challenges the sun’s brightness, I sit with the lady herself and get the low down on her brand new show ‘Real Love’…

Markus Hamence: As hands-down one of Adelaide leading forces in the choral community, what keeps Gospo Collective inspired and with the ability to present their unique brand of choir.

Charmaine Jones: in a nutshell – it’s teamwork. At Gospo our ethos is to work for a consistent standard in what we create as vocalists, musicians, members of the world … and to do it effectively as a group. There are stand out members within the team who have been present since the beginning, longstanding members of our of choirs who have been committed through every season – not only to their own personal growth but also in the sharing of music in Adelaide and beyond and how that happens. For me, that’s inspirational. It’s a driving force that keeps me going creatively and in the choral business – People.

Markus: The new show ‘Real Love’ is looming quickly – what is this performance about?

Charmaine: Real Love is about the cornerstones of our lives that keep us pursuing the dream of unity and evolution through music. Where we lay our foundations as humans – Like some of the awesome tunes we are performing this weekend, eg; Earth Wind and Fire’s In the Stone – Love, Truth, Strength is written in the stone. It’s the hope of a “Hollywood” (Chaka Khan), a magical place of zen and equilibrium that every human yearns for. It’s “Inspite of it all” (Doobie Powell) we keep our eyes firmly fixed ahead and look forward to a “Fun Day” (Stevie Wonder). And most importantly we are “(I’m) Coming Out” (Diana Ross) – out of all the ‘stuff’ that holds us captive thanks to the power of music and community which keeps us accountable and responsible in our own personal growth as humans in a super groovy way!

Markus: Is there a message behind this show that you want people to walk away with?

Charmaine: I think I’ve answered it already – may you find your piece of heaven, your place of rest, the quickening of your spirit, the fire for your soul – the energy for your heart to keep pursuing all you can be and desire, through the songs and the people who share this music with you.

Markus: From Chake Khan to Frank Ocean, we’re expecting some massive numbers. Is it difficult for you to select the final songs you want to put into a show?

Charmaine: It somehow all comes together – I never have to over think and often get affirmations from the universe that the tunes I’ve selected are the ones. Like Chaka – when I chose her song ‘Hollywood’, I had no idea that she was coming to Australia. It’s not even one of her well-known tunes, but stirred me with a message. I didn’t get to see her due to a prior commitment, (which was a heart pull as she’s one of my all time faves), but one of my beautiful girlfriends sent me a video from the night, which I posted on my story in tribute – and Chaka shared it!! How amazing is that? I wasn’t even at the Gig and the post she chose to share was mine. Little signs like that make me feel like my rep list is for such a time as this.

Markus: When you put on a show, what are the most important elements for you and your choir?

Charmaine: Groove, Soul, Spirit. Fun! Being present in the music, the band, locking in, creating textures, dynamics, nuances .. allowing space for the lyrics to speak, filling the room with power and camaraderie.

Markus: With many fabulous and memorable gigs under your belt, can you name a singular career highlight for Gospo Collective?

Charmaine: Oh boy. I just can’t. We’ve performed to some huge crowds with incredible industry people, but a flash mob at the local Central Markets brings us so much joy. It’s all a blessing for us really. To do what we love.

Markus: How you you define Gospo Collective in a sentence? A: A vocal orchestra, who understand that music transcends us to a greater level of understanding of ourselves and others. Q: And back to ‘Real Love’… How large is the choir for this show? And are there any new talents we can expect to see?

Charmaine: We will have about 60 people or more on stage at some point. The teams divides into smaller groups for different numbers and we’ve invited another choral group in the Adelaide community to join us this show, The OSJC from Wilderness School led by Joanna Arul Tropeano, a Gospo veteran. It’s going to be a great set. Stand out talent will vary in ages – I’m personally looking forward to hearing one of our youngest solo for her first time, Millie, who is 5 years old. Let me tell you, she brings on the tears!

Markus: Finally, what’s next for Gospo Collective?

Charmaine: There is a lot on the horizon – a few stand outs; A top secret project (which I hope to be able to share after the reveal because the rep is delicious), some corporate gigs for our Adelaide organisations (with our floor show team and house dance band), Playford City Carols, Burnside Carols and then Adelaide Carols by Candlelight, (which will be so much fun). And of course Fringe 2024 with WHITNEY, bigger and better!

If you have not experienced the dynamics of Gospo Collective yet, ensure you get along to this show and have an insanely feel-good experience. For those many of you who are part of the legions who have, come again, this show has something for ALL the real lovers!

Catch Gospo Collective – Real Love performing at
Burnside Ballroom
Sunday 5 November 2023, 7.00pm

Tickets here!
Website: Gospo Collective

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