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Charmaine Jones

Charmaine Jones is an electrifying force in Adelaide, from Gospo Collective, to her solo work, to her zest for giving love and positive vibes, Charmaine is a shining light and an angelic voice that trancends...

Role: Reviewer
Focus Area: Music
Most Memorable Adelaide Experience: Standing in the wings at Festival Theatre, just metres away,  watching and hearing Patti Lupone sing Being Alive by Sondheim.

Charmaine’s musical ventures are as eclectic as the variety of industry greats she has had the honour of working with, including Paul Grabowsky, Paul Kelly, Michael Buble, Naturally 7, Darlene Love, Leo Sayer, Patti LuPone, Robbie Williams, Reuben Kaye, to name just a few.

From Jazz to Pop and everything in between, Srilankan born, Australian bred vocalist and educator weaves her magic from the stage to the classroom with her renowned improvisational techniques, choral styling, unique arranging skills and signature teaching manner, leaving audiences of all ages, spellbound. 

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Can you share a bit about your background and what brought you to Adelaide?

I arrived Adelaide in 1988 from Sri Lanka. My family and I experienced the sorrows and struggles in the Black July riots, Sri Lanka and since 1983, my Father had wanted to find us a safer place to reside, build a life and leave behind the atrocities and lack of humanity that existed in our home country.

What are your interests outside of reviewing arts and entertainment?

I love to cook, prepare food. The textures, smells and colours of food. I like what it represents from warmth to luxury from earthiness to etiquette. I love the tactility of food and what it does to your spirit and soul when you’re sharing it. Gardening is a favourite pastime, planting and growing things. I like to reap what I sew and the hard work of maintaining and managing a garden that ‘bears fruit’ or even doesn’t and one struggles to keep something alive, is a beautiful conceptual thing. It’s so congruent to what I believe life is all about.

What’s your favourite thing about living in Adelaide?

Everything is easily accessible in Adelaide. I love our beaches, our hills. I love our food adventuring areas and markets. I love the fact that Adelaide is like a small, big city or a large country town. The personal nature of Adelaide is what I appreciate the most. Sometimes it can get a bit stifling. Sometimes like a country town, a little small minded .. but for the most part it’s a great place, a beautiful place to grow up, reside, work hard for and with the people within.

Do you have a personal mantra or philosophy that guides your work?

I think words like integrity, character, perseverance, trust, delivery or ‘to’ deliver, these are words of importance to me. I also believe in phrases like; giving your best, living your purpose, serving your community,  sharing your gifts, broadening your mind, developing your communication, grounding your heart …

Who or what inspires you most in life?

I’m inspired by so much that this universe has to offer. Creation and Evolution is a beautiful thing. I am constantly humbled and amazed. Especially by nature. And then by music .. of course. How it has the ability to transcend us to a greater understanding of ourselves and others.

What’s your ideal way to spend a weekend in Adelaide?

I am out and about so much that an ideal way to spend a weekend would be pottering at home, in the garden, a walk with my daughter in the gorge and maybe a quick dip on a hot day at local beach seacliff, some friends over for early drinks and a meal … perfect.

If you could only recommend one place to visit in Adelaide, what would it be?

The Barossa Valley is a home away from home. I love it there. The people, the traditions, the culture, the food and wine.

What’s a favourite book, movie, or song that resonates with you? 

In order, The Notebook (in its book form, Nick Sparks), Yentl the movie and from the movie, the song ‘A piece of Sky’.

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Charmaine Jones & Gospo Collective

What inspired your passion for arts and entertainment in Adelaide?

There wasn’t one thing and not specific to Adelaide either.

I knew music and education was my path since I was about 3 years old. I watched my Mother in the opera and teaching. I was forced and encouraged in my own musicianship and artistry by her and also saw what she did for others through her art journey in Srilanka.
I wanted to change lives like she did, through music. When we moved to Australia, that concept just continued. If I’d moved to Spain, it would have been the same. That passion of mine is not local. It’s internal.

What’s your favourite event or venue in Adelaide?

The Tasting Australia events are ones I try to experience every year and I truly enjoy the buzz and energy. The Christmas season with Gospo in Adelaide, with our various communities and Adelaide Carols By Candlelight is always a lovely way to close the musical year.

How do you approach reviewing local arts and entertainment?

With an open heart and a poetic mind.

What’s been your most memorable arts experience in Adelaide so far?

I have been filled to the brim with ASO show so far – from being on stage with them in collaboration to watching them perform with a variety of artists. The most recent was their juncture with Cat Empire. It was truly a magical coming together of these two groups. There’s nothing like the texture of an orchestra to add layers and depth.

Do you have a specific focus area, like music, theatre, visual arts, or festivals?

I’ve been heavily involved in the Fringe and Cabaret Festival over the years and in the area of music and performance.

What’s one underrated event or artist in Adelaide you think deserves more attention?

I think Ollie English (and his partner Katie Moore in duo work) is someone who writes beautiful original music and has a lovely sound/delivery. 

How do you stay connected with the local creative community?

I’m fortunate to run my group Gospo which is my link into staying in touch and motivated to keep music culture, entertainment and sharing music with the wider community.

If you could interview any artist or performer, who would it be and why?

It would be Frida Kahlo or Antonio Carlos Jobim. I’m fascinated with their passion for life, the land, people, the things that drive their creativity, their stories, secrets, thoughts, loves.

What’s your go-to spot in Adelaide for creative inspiration or relaxation?

The hills.

How do you see the arts and entertainment scene evolving in Adelaide over the next few years?

I always think collaboration is the key. I hope it evolves in a way that many artists can come together to create together and bring exciting projects to the table that are unique and inspiring, heartfelt and meaningful.

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Charmaine Jones & Gospo Collective at Adelaide's Carols By Candelight 2024